Synonyms for knit
Synonyms of
- (noun) knitted fabric, fabric, cloth, material, textile
- (noun) knit stitch, plain, plain stitch, knitting stitch
- (noun) knitting, knitwork, needlework, needlecraft
- (verb) create from raw material, create from raw stuff
- (verb) entwine, join, conjoin
- (verb) pucker, rumple, cockle, crumple, wrinkle, ruckle, crease, crinkle, scrunch, scrunch up, crisp
Coding knitThe term knit is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence a25pdA==, while the MD5 signature is equal to 8f340de394fab9a94485829f53646a8e.
The ASCII encoding of knit in hexadecimal notation is 6b6e6974.
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