Synonyms for property
Synonyms of
- (noun) place, geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region
- (noun) belongings, holding, material possession, possession
- (noun) attribute
- (noun) attribute, dimension, concept, conception, construct
- (noun) prop, object, physical object
Coding propertyThe term property is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence cHJvcGVydHk=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 1a8db4c996d8ed8289da5f957879ab94.
The ASCII encoding of property in hexadecimal notation is 70726f7065727479.
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Next lemmas:
property line |
property man |
property master |
property owner |
property right |
property settlement |
property tax |
property-owningThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
OpenOffice according to the LGPL license.