Synonyms for admit
Synonyms of
- (verb) acknowledge, declare, adjudge, hold, deny (antonym)
- (verb) allow in, let in, intromit, permit, allow, let, countenance, reject (antonym)
- (verb) let in, include, permit, allow, let, countenance, exclude (antonym)
- (verb) accept, take, take on, accept, take, have
- (verb) allow
- (verb) accommodate, hold
- (verb) serve, do
Coding admitThe term admit is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence YWRtaXQ=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 8d8bfbd10b5f6d48eb9691bb4871de62.
The ASCII encoding of admit in hexadecimal notation is 61646d6974.
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