Synonyms for appreciate
Synonyms of
- (verb) acknowledge, recognize, recognise
- (verb) take account, understand, realize, realise, see
- (verb) prize, value, treasure, see, consider, reckon, view, regard
- (verb) apprize, apprise, revalue, increase, depreciate (antonym)
- (verb) apprize, apprise, revalue, depreciate (antonym)
Coding appreciateThe term appreciate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence YXBwcmVjaWF0ZQ==, while the MD5 signature is equal to 3ca0896bdecd2d153d2d0e460f5c4830.
The ASCII encoding of appreciate in hexadecimal notation is 61707072656369617465.
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appreciated |
appreciation |
appreciative |
appreciatively |
appreciativeness |
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apprehend |
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