Synonyms for approach
Synonyms of
- (noun) attack, plan of attack, conceptualization, conceptualisation, formulation
- (noun) approaching, coming, motion, movement, move
- (noun) access, way
- (noun) approach path, glide path, glide slope, air lane, flight path, airway, skyway
- (noun) approaching, movement, motion
- (noun) overture, advance, feeler, suggestion, proposition, proffer
- (noun) approaching, coming, timing
- (noun) similarity
- (noun) approach shot, golf stroke, golf shot, swing
- (verb) near, come on, go up, draw near, draw close, come near, come, come up
- (verb) border on, approximate, come close
- (verb) set about, go about, act, move
- (verb) come near, come, come up
- (verb) address, accost, come up to
Coding approachThe term approach is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence YXBwcm9hY2g=, while the MD5 signature is equal to f36acfa3674037fc4f43dab0f06c14b0.
The ASCII encoding of approach in hexadecimal notation is 617070726f616368.
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approach pattern |
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approachability |
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