Synonyms for burdened
Synonyms of
- (adj) bowed down (similar term), loaded down (similar term), overburdened (similar term), weighed down (similar term), laden (similar term), oppressed (similar term), saddled (similar term), unburdened (antonym)
- (adj) heavy-laden, loaded down, encumbered (similar term)
Coding burdenedThe term burdened is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence YnVyZGVuZWQ=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 6ec1c868bb1dbe6d6ede8edce0f0920e.
The ASCII encoding of burdened in hexadecimal notation is 62757264656e6564.
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bureau of customsThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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