Synonyms for competitive
Synonyms of
- (adj) competitory, agonistic (similar term), agonistical (similar term), combative (similar term), competing (similar term), contending (similar term), emulous (similar term), rivalrous (similar term), matched (similar term), noncompetitive (antonym)
- (adj) free-enterprise, private-enterprise, capitalistic (similar term), capitalist (similar term)
- (adj) militant, aggressive (similar term)
Coding competitiveThe term competitive is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence Y29tcGV0aXRpdmU=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 14f4aeb5bebf370f95ab882c829a5a86.
The ASCII encoding of competitive in hexadecimal notation is 636f6d7065746974697665.
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