Synonyms for crank
Synonyms of
- (adj) cranky, tender, tippy, unstable (similar term)
- (noun) grouch, grump, churl, crosspatch, unpleasant person, disagreeable person
- (noun) crackpot, nut, nut case, nutcase, fruitcake, screwball, eccentric, eccentric person, flake, oddball, geek
- (noun) methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, Methedrine, meth, deoxyephedrine, chalk, chicken feed, glass, ice, shabu, trash, amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed, controlled substance
- (noun) starter, hand tool
- (verb) zigzag, travel, go, move, locomote
- (verb) crank up, start, start up
- (verb) crank up, rotate, circumvolve
- (verb) fasten, fix, secure
- (verb) flex, bend, deform, twist, turn
Coding crankThe term crank is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence Y3Jhbms=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 14237c4a1f264d02283d4774c516a557.
The ASCII encoding of crank in hexadecimal notation is 6372616e6b.
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