Synonyms for declination
Synonyms of
- (noun) decline, condition, status, improvement (antonym)
- (noun) descent, declivity, fall, decline, declension, downslope, slope, incline, side, ascent (antonym)
- (noun) celestial latitude, dec, angular distance
- (noun) regrets, refusal, acknowledgment, acknowledgement
Coding declinationThe term declination is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence ZGVjbGluYXRpb24=, while the MD5 signature is equal to fe8be6878f082b796419d8ec02441e14.
The ASCII encoding of declination in hexadecimal notation is 6465636c696e6174696f6e.
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Next lemmas:
decline |
decline in quality |
declinometer |
declivitous |
declivity |
declomycin |
declutch |
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