Synonyms for expel
Synonyms of
- (verb) throw out, kick out, move, displace
- (verb) eject, chuck out, exclude, throw out, kick out, turf out, boot out, turn out, move, displace
- (verb) oust, throw out, drum out, boot out, kick out, remove
- (verb) rout, rout out, get the better of, overcome, defeat
- (verb) discharge, eject, release
Coding expelThe term expel is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence ZXhwZWw=, while the MD5 signature is equal to fb9157fe34d1402b828ae873980845fc.
The ASCII encoding of expel in hexadecimal notation is 657870656c.
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Next lemmas:
expelling |
expend |
expendable |
expended |
expender |
expending |
expenditure |
expenseThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
OpenOffice according to the LGPL license.