Synonyms for grate
Synonyms of
- (noun) grating, framework, frame, framing
- (noun) noise
- (noun) grating, barrier
- (verb) supply, provide, render, furnish
- (verb) eat into, fret, rankle, annoy, rag, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devil
- (verb) rub
- (verb) grind, break up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentise
- (verb) scrape, rub
Coding grateThe term grate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence Z3JhdGU=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 78f5d638ba15b00b4d02060ad69c16a3.
The ASCII encoding of grate in hexadecimal notation is 6772617465.
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gratifiedThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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