Synonyms for intimate
Synonyms of
- (adj) close (similar term)
- (adj) cozy, informal, friendly (similar term)
- (adj) familiar, close (similar term)
- (adj) sexual, sexy (similar term)
- (adj) inner, internal, intrinsic (similar term), intrinsical (similar term)
- (adj) knowledgeable, versed, experienced (similar term), experient (similar term)
- (noun) confidant, friend
- (verb) adumbrate, insinuate, hint, suggest
- (verb) suggest, imply
Coding intimateThe term intimate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence aW50aW1hdGU=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 108d0bede96863f3eeb29fd4da9e0790.
The ASCII encoding of intimate in hexadecimal notation is 696e74696d617465.
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