Synonyms for nonfunctional
Synonyms of
- (adj) nonstructural (similar term), cosmetic (similar term), decorative (similar term), ornamental (similar term), unserviceable (related term), functional (antonym)
- (adj) malfunctioning, amiss (similar term), awry (similar term), haywire (similar term), wrong (similar term), bad (similar term), defective (similar term), dead (similar term), out of whack (similar term), run-down (similar term), functioning (antonym)
Coding nonfunctionalThe term nonfunctional is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence bm9uZnVuY3Rpb25hbA==, while the MD5 signature is equal to e36491706e0d447106220dca25eda77d.
The ASCII encoding of nonfunctional in hexadecimal notation is 6e6f6e66756e6374696f6e616c.
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