Synonyms for overcast
Synonyms of
- (adj) cloud-covered, clouded, sunless, cloudy (similar term)
- (noun) cloudiness, cloud cover, bad weather, inclemency, inclementness
- (noun) cloudiness, semidarkness
- (noun) overcasting, stitch
- (noun) casting, cast
- (verb) cloud, darken, cloud over (related term), cloud up (related term), clear up (antonym)
- (verb) sew, run up, sew together, stitch
- (verb) sew, run up, sew together, stitch
Coding overcastThe term overcast is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence b3ZlcmNhc3Q=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 0bfb977a728401d1fa735cf734bf9d17.
The ASCII encoding of overcast in hexadecimal notation is 6f76657263617374.
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