Synonyms for slick
Synonyms of
- (adj) glossy, satiny, sleek, silken, silky, silklike, smooth (similar term)
- (adj) slippery (similar term), slippy (similar term)
- (adj) glib, pat, plausible (similar term)
- (adj) crafty, cunning, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, sly, tricksy, tricky, wily, artful (similar term)
- (noun) slickness, slipperiness, slip, smoothness
- (noun) slick magazine, glossy, magazine, mag
- (noun) film
- (noun) trowel
- (verb) sleek, polish, smooth, smoothen, shine
- (verb) slick down, sleek down, comb, comb out, disentangle
Coding slickThe term slick is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence c2xpY2s=, while the MD5 signature is equal to ded432c266322daa6dfd4c5f713caa34.
The ASCII encoding of slick in hexadecimal notation is 736c69636b.
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