Synonyms for subordinate
Synonyms of
- (adj) low-level, adjunct (similar term), assistant (similar term), associate (similar term), secondary (similar term), under (similar term), inferior (related term), subordinate (related term), dominant (antonym)
- (adj) feudatory (similar term), ruled (similar term), subject (similar term), dependent (similar term), subservient (similar term), submissive (related term), subordinate (related term), low-level (related term), insubordinate (antonym)
- (adj) dependent, independent (antonym)
- (adj) junior-grade, inferior, lower-ranking, lowly, petty, secondary, subaltern, junior (similar term)
- (noun) subsidiary, underling, foot soldier, assistant, helper, help, supporter
- (noun) hyponym, subordinate word, word
- (verb) rate, rank, range, order, grade, place
- (verb) subdue, lower, lour
Coding subordinateThe term subordinate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence c3Vib3JkaW5hdGU=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 425c5140201a202aadc0de351f22321d.
The ASCII encoding of subordinate in hexadecimal notation is 7375626f7264696e617465.
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