Synonyms for tick
Synonyms of
- (noun) ticking, sound
- (noun) acarine
- (noun) check mark, check, mark
- (noun) mattress
- (verb) click, sound, go
- (verb) ticktock, ticktack, beat, sound, go
- (verb) retick, sew, run up, sew together, stitch
- (verb) check, check off, mark, mark off, tick off, verify
Coding tickThe term tick is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence dGljaw==, while the MD5 signature is equal to e5e5c0754f1e26bf915455e21cf2eba5.
The ASCII encoding of tick in hexadecimal notation is 7469636b.
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Next lemmas:
tick fever |
tick off |
tick over |
tick trefoil |
tick-tack-toe |
tick-weed |
ticker |
ticker tapeThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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