Synonyms for tidy
Synonyms of
- (adj) clean-cut (similar term), trig (similar term), trim (similar term), neat (similar term), neat (similar term), orderly (similar term), ruly (similar term), shipshape (similar term), trim (similar term), well-kept (similar term), slicked up (similar term), straight (similar term), uncluttered (similar term), unlittered (similar term), clean (related term), fastidious (related term), groomed (related term), untidy (antonym)
- (adj) kempt, groomed (similar term)
- (adj) goodly, goodish, hefty, respectable, sizable, sizeable, considerable (similar term)
- (noun) receptacle
- (verb) tidy up, clean up, neaten, straighten, straighten out, square away, order
Coding tidyThe term tidy is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence dGlkeQ==, while the MD5 signature is equal to 3513bf8fe595c018be09f5fd048ca814.
The ASCII encoding of tidy in hexadecimal notation is 74696479.
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