Java browser:

Content of extracted from search.jar

package search;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
 * Custom dialog box to enter dates. The <code>DateChooser</code>
 * class presents a calendar and allows the user to visually select a
 * day, month and year so that it is impossible to enter an invalid
 * date.
public class DateChooser extends JDialog 
    implements ItemListener, MouseListener, FocusListener, KeyListener, ActionListener
    /** Names of the months. */
    private static final String[] MONTHS = 
	new String[] {
    /** Names of the days of the week. */
    private static final String[] DAYS =
	new String[] {
    /** Text color of the days of the weeks, used as column headers in
        the calendar. */
    private static final Color WEEK_DAYS_FOREGROUND =;
    /** Text color of the days' numbers in the calendar. */
    private static final Color DAYS_FOREGROUND =;
    /** Background color of the selected day in the calendar. */
    private static final Color SELECTED_DAY_FOREGROUND = Color.white;
    /** Text color of the selected day in the calendar. */
    private static final Color SELECTED_DAY_BACKGROUND = new Color(0,50,150);
    /** Empty border, used when the calendar does not have the focus. */
    private static final Border EMPTY_BORDER = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1,1,1,1);
    /** Border used to highlight the selected day when the calendar
        has the focus. */
    private static final Border FOCUSED_BORDER = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new Color(60,0,150),1);
    /** First year that can be selected. */
    private static final int FIRST_YEAR = 1970;
    /** Last year that can be selected. */
    private static final int LAST_YEAR = 2030;
    /** Auxiliary variable to compute dates. */
    private GregorianCalendar calendar;
    /** Calendar, as a matrix of labels. The first row represents the
        first week of the month, the second row, the second week, and
        so on. Each column represents a day of the week, the first is
        Sunday, and the last is Saturday. The label's text is the
        number of the corresponding day. */
    private JLabel[][] days;
    /** Day selection control. It is just a panel that can receive the
        focus. The actual user interaction is driven by the
        <code>DateChooser</code> class. */
    private FocusablePanel daysGrid;
    /** Month selection control. */
    private JComboBox month;
    /** Year selection control. */
    private JComboBox year;
    /** "Ok" button. */
    private JButton ok;
    /** "Cancel" button. */
    private JButton cancel;
    /** Day of the week (0=Sunday) corresponding to the first day of
        the selected month. Used to calculate the position, in the
        calendar ({@link #days}), corresponding to a given day. */
    private int offset;
    /** Last day of the selected month. */
    private int lastDay;
    /** Selected day. */
    private JLabel day;
    /** <code>true</code> if the "Ok" button was clicked to close the
        dialog box, <code>false</code> otherwise. */
    private boolean okClicked;
     * Custom panel that can receive the focus. Used to implement the
     * calendar control.
    private static class FocusablePanel extends JPanel
	 * Constructs a new <code>FocusablePanel</code> with the given
	 * layout manager.
	 * @param layout layout manager
		public FocusablePanel( LayoutManager layout ) {
			super( layout );
	 * Always returns <code>true</code>, since
	 * <code>FocusablePanel</code> can receive the focus.
	 * @return <code>true</code>
		public boolean isFocusable() {
			return true;
     * Initializes this <code>DateChooser</code> object. Creates the
     * controls, registers listeners and initializes the dialog box.
    private void construct()
		calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
		month = new JComboBox(MONTHS);
		month.addItemListener( this );
		year = new JComboBox();
		for ( int i=FIRST_YEAR; i<=LAST_YEAR; i++ )
			year.addItem( Integer.toString(i) );
		year.addItemListener( this );
		days = new JLabel[7][7];
		for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
			days[0][i] = new JLabel(DAYS[i],JLabel.RIGHT);
			days[0][i].setForeground( WEEK_DAYS_FOREGROUND );
		for ( int i=1; i<7; i++ )
			for ( int j=0; j<7; j++ )
				days[i][j] = new JLabel(" ",JLabel.RIGHT);
				days[i][j].setForeground( DAYS_FOREGROUND );
				days[i][j].setBackground( SELECTED_DAY_BACKGROUND );
				days[i][j].setBorder( EMPTY_BORDER );
				days[i][j].addMouseListener( this );
		ok = new JButton("Ok");
		ok.addActionListener( this );
		cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
		cancel.addActionListener( this );
		JPanel monthYear = new JPanel();
		monthYear.add( month );
		monthYear.add( year );
		daysGrid = new FocusablePanel(new GridLayout(7,7,5,0));
		daysGrid.addFocusListener( this );
		daysGrid.addKeyListener( this );
		for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ )
			for ( int j=0; j<7; j++ )
			daysGrid.add( days[i][j] );
		daysGrid.setBackground( Color.white );
		daysGrid.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() );
		JPanel daysPanel = new JPanel();
		daysPanel.add( daysGrid );
		JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
		buttons.add( ok );
		buttons.add( cancel );
		Container dialog = getContentPane();
		dialog.add( "North", monthYear );
		dialog.add( "Center", daysPanel );
		dialog.add( "South", buttons );
		setResizable( false );
     * Gets the selected day, as an <code>int</code>. Parses the text
     * of the selected label in the calendar to get the day.
     * @return the selected day or -1 if there is no day selected
    private int getSelectedDay()
		if ( day == null )
			return -1 ;
		try {
			return Integer.parseInt(day.getText());
		} catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
		return -1;
     * Sets the selected day. The day is specified as the label
     * control, in the calendar, corresponding to the day to select.
     * @param newDay day to select
    private void setSelected( JLabel newDay )
		if ( day != null ) {
			day.setForeground( DAYS_FOREGROUND );
			day.setOpaque( false );
			day.setBorder( EMPTY_BORDER );
		day = newDay;
		day.setForeground( SELECTED_DAY_FOREGROUND );
		day.setOpaque( true );
		if ( daysGrid.hasFocus() )
			day.setBorder( FOCUSED_BORDER );
     * Sets the selected day. The day is specified as the number of
     * the day, in the month, to selected. The function compute the
     * corresponding control to select.
     * @param newDay day to select
    private void setSelected( int newDay )
	setSelected( days[(newDay+offset-1)/7+1][(newDay+offset-1)%7] );
     * Updates the calendar. This function updates the calendar panel
     * to reflect the month and year selected. It keeps the same day
     * of the month that was selected, except if it is beyond the last
     * day of the month. In this case, the last day of the month is
     * selected.
    private void update()
		int iday = getSelectedDay();
		for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
			days[1][i].setText( " " );
			days[5][i].setText( " " );
			days[6][i].setText( " " );
		calendar.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 );
		calendar.set( Calendar.MONTH, month.getSelectedIndex()+Calendar.JANUARY );
		calendar.set( Calendar.YEAR, year.getSelectedIndex()+FIRST_YEAR );
		offset = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-Calendar.SUNDAY;
		lastDay = calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
		for ( int i=0; i<lastDay; i++ )
			days[(i+offset)/7+1][(i+offset)%7].setText( String.valueOf(i+1) );
		if ( iday != -1 ) {
			if ( iday > lastDay )
			iday = lastDay;
			setSelected( iday );
     * Called when the "Ok" button is pressed. Just sets a flag and
     * hides the dialog box.
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
		if ( e.getSource() == ok ) okClicked = true;
     * Called when the calendar gains the focus. Just re-sets the
     * selected day so that it is redrawn with the border that
     * indicate focus.
    public void focusGained( FocusEvent e ) {
		setSelected( day );
     * Called when the calendar loses the focus. Just re-sets the
     * selected day so that it is redrawn without the border that
     * indicate focus.
    public void focusLost( FocusEvent e ) {
		setSelected( day );
     * Called when a new month or year is selected. Updates the calendar
     * to reflect the selection.
    public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e ) {
     * Called when a key is pressed and the calendar has the
     * focus. Handles the arrow keys so that the user can select a day
     * using the keyboard.
    public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e ) {
	int iday = getSelectedDay();
	switch ( e.getKeyCode() ) {
	case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
	    if ( iday > 1 )
		setSelected( iday-1 );
	case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
	    if ( iday < lastDay )
		setSelected( iday+1 );
	case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
	    if ( iday > 7 )
		setSelected( iday-7 );
	case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
	    if ( iday <= lastDay-7 )
		setSelected( iday+7 );
     * Called when the mouse is clicked on a day in the
     * calendar. Selects the clicked day.
    public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
	JLabel day = (JLabel)e.getSource();
	if ( !day.getText().equals(" ") )
	    setSelected( day );
    public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) {}
    public void keyTyped( KeyEvent e ) {}
    public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) {}
    public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {}
    public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e) {}
     * Constructs a new <code>DateChooser</code> with the given title.
     * @param owner owner dialog
     * @param title dialog title
    public DateChooser( Dialog owner, String title )
	super( owner, title, true );
     * Constructs a new <code>DateChooser</code>.
     * @param owner owner dialog
    public DateChooser( Dialog owner )
	super( owner, true );
     * Constructs a new <code>DateChooser</code> with the given title.
     * @param owner owner frame
     * @param title dialog title
    public DateChooser( Frame owner, String title )
	super( owner, title, true );
     * Constructs a new <code>DateChooser</code>.
     * @param owner owner frame
    public DateChooser( Frame owner )
	super( owner, true );
     * Selects a date. Displays the dialog box, with a given date as
     * the selected date, and allows the user select a new date.
     * @param date initial date
     * @return the new date selected or <code>null</code> if the user
     * press "Cancel" or closes the dialog box
    public Date select( Date date )
	calendar.setTime( date );
	int _day = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
	int _month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
	int _year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
	year.setSelectedIndex( _year-FIRST_YEAR );
	month.setSelectedIndex( _month-Calendar.JANUARY );
	setSelected( _day );
	okClicked = false;
	if ( !okClicked )
	    return null;
	calendar.set( Calendar.DATE, getSelectedDay() );
	calendar.set( Calendar.MONTH, month.getSelectedIndex()+Calendar.JANUARY );
	calendar.set( Calendar.YEAR, year.getSelectedIndex()+FIRST_YEAR );
	return calendar.getTime();
     * Selects new date. Just calls {@link #select(Date)} with the
     * system date as the parameter.
     * @return the same as the function {@link #select(Date)}
    public Date select()
	return select(new Date());
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