Java browser: graph/

Content of graph/ extracted from visualap.jar

Version 1.0, 30-12-2007, First release
Version 1.1, 03-02-2008, added <version> field in components, Cloneable interface now is optional for components
Version 1.2, 06-01-2010, fixed minor compilation warnings with JDK 1.6
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/* class NodeBean
This class is used to create nodes in a graph.
A node can contain an <object>, e.g. a bean.
This class provides support for several features: blabla....
- setObject() e BeanDelegate sono in relazione, trovare il modo di unificare
package graph;
import java.beans.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*; 
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class NodeBean extends Node {
	private Object obj=null;
	private transient Image icon=null;
	private long serialUID;
	private String version="0.0"; // default value is 0.0
// inPins and outPins declared public to allow graph analysis
	public transient Pin [] inPins = new Pin[0];
	public transient Pin [] outPins = new Pin[0];
// constructor not to be used, XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder
	public NodeBean() {
// basic constructor
	public NodeBean(Point origin) {
// constructor including object
// Note: the class of the object shall implement Cloneable interfaces.
	public NodeBean(Point origin, Object obj) {
	public long getObjSerialUID() {
		if (obj != null)
			try {
				Field f = obj.getClass().getField("serialVersionUID");	
				return f.getLong(obj.getClass());
			catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
	//				throw new BeanException("Missing serialVersionUID");
			catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
	//				throw new BeanException("IllegalAccessException");
		return 0L;
	public String getObjVersion() {
		if (obj != null)
			try {
				Field f = obj.getClass().getField("version");	
				return (String) f.get(obj.getClass());
			catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
				return "0.0";
			catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
	//				throw new BeanException("IllegalAccessException");
		return "0.0";
	public Object getObject() {
	public void setObject(Object obj) {
		this.obj = obj;
		if (obj != null)
			try {
// code here must be in sync with constructor
					Class clazz = obj.getClass();
					BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(obj.getClass());
					MethodDescriptor[] methods = bi.getMethodDescriptors();
					Class<?>[] input = methods[0].getMethod().getParameterTypes();					
					inPins = new Pin[input.length];
					for (int i = 0; i < inPins.length; i++) {
						inPins[i] = new Pin("input", i, inPins.length, this);
					int n_outputs = 0;
					for (int i=0; i <methods.length; i++) {
						if (methods[i].getMethod().getReturnType() != Void.TYPE)
					outPins = new Pin[n_outputs];
					for (int i = 0; i < outPins.length; i++) {
						outPins[i] = new Pin("output", i, outPins.length, this);
					icon = bi.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32);
				} catch(java.beans.IntrospectionException ex) {	ex.printStackTrace(); }
	public long getSerialUID() {
		return serialUID;
	public void setSerialUID(long aSerialUID) {
		serialUID = aSerialUID;
	public String getVersion() {
		return version;
	public void setVersion(String version) {
		this.version = version;
	public Object contains(int x, int y) {
		if ((x >= origin.x - 3)&&(x < origin.x + 2))	{
			for (int i = 0; i < inPins.length; i++) {
				int lower_y = origin.y-3 +(dimension.height*i+dimension.height/2)/inPins.length;
				if ((y >= lower_y)&&(y <= lower_y + 6)) return inPins[i];
		if ((x >= origin.x + dimension.width - 2)&&(x < origin.x + dimension.width + 3))	{
			for (int i = 0; i < outPins.length; i++) {
				int lower_y = origin.y-3 +(dimension.height*i+dimension.height/2)/outPins.length;
				if ((y >= lower_y)&&(y <= lower_y + 6)) return outPins[i];
		return super.contains(x,y);
	public Node clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
// clone object translated by 4 pixels
// due to the fact that clone() method is protected, the following workaround is used:
			Object clobj;
			if (obj instanceof Cloneable) {
				try {
				   Class<?> c = obj.getClass();
				   Method m = c.getMethod("clone", (Class[]) null);
				   clobj = m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null);
				} catch(Exception ex) 
				{	throw new CloneNotSupportedException(ex.getMessage()); }
			} else {
// Version 1.1: Cloneable is optional
				try {
					ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
					ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
					clobj = (new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()))).readObject();
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					throw new CloneNotSupportedException(ex.getMessage());
			return new NodeBean(new Point(origin.x+4, origin.y+4), clobj);
	public Rectangle paint(Graphics g, ImageObserver io) {
		Color saveColor = g.getColor();
		Font saveFont = g.getFont();
		if (icon == null) {
// obj != null, icon == null
			g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 14));
			FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
			g.setColor(selected ? : new Color(250, 220, 100));
			dimension.setSize(fm.stringWidth(label) + 10, fm.getHeight() + 4);
			g.fillRect(origin.x, origin.y, dimension.width, dimension.height);
			g.drawRect(origin.x, origin.y, dimension.width-1, dimension.height-1);
			g.drawString(label, origin.x + 5, (origin.y + 2) + fm.getAscent());
		} else {
// obj != null
			if (selected) {
				g.drawRect(origin.x-2, origin.y-2, 35, 35);
/*				if (icon == null) {
					icon = Introspector.getBeanInfo(obj.getClass()).getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32);
					if (icon == null) 
						icon ="unknown32.gif"));
			g.drawImage(icon, origin.x, origin.y, 32, 32, io);
			g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10));
			g.drawString(label, origin.x, (origin.y + 32) + g.getFontMetrics().getAscent());
			dimension.setSize(32, 32);
		for (int i = 0; i < inPins.length; i++) {
				g.drawRect(origin.x-2, origin.y-2 +(dimension.height*i+dimension.height/2)/inPins.length, 4, 4);
		for (int i = 0; i < outPins.length; i++) {
				g.drawRect(origin.x+dimension.width-2, origin.y-2 +(dimension.height*i+dimension.height/2)/outPins.length, 4, 4);
		if (dragging != null) {
			g.drawRect(dragging.x, dragging.y, dragging.width-1, dragging.height-1);
        return new Rectangle(origin, dimension);
	public void clear() {
		try {
		   Class<?> c = obj.getClass();
		   Method m = c.getMethod("dispose", (Class[]) null);
		   m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null);
		} catch(Exception ex) { } // do nothing!
		obj = null;
	public void setContext(HashMap<String, Object> globalvars) {
		try {
		   Class<?> c = obj.getClass();
		   Method m = c.getMethod("setContext", new Class[]{HashMap.class});
		   m.invoke(obj, new Object[]{globalvars});
		} catch(Exception ex) { } // do nothing!
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