Synonyms for acceptable
Synonyms of
- (adj) bankable (similar term), unexceptionable (similar term), unimpeachable (similar term), unobjectionable (similar term), satisfactory (related term), unacceptable (antonym)
- (adj) accepted, standard (similar term), received (similar term)
- (adj) satisfactory, good (similar term)
- (adj) fit (similar term)
Coding acceptableThe term acceptable is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence YWNjZXB0YWJsZQ==, while the MD5 signature is equal to 4d5b720bae354c0adb71d0b764201d79.
The ASCII encoding of acceptable in hexadecimal notation is 61636365707461626c65.
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acceptableness |
acceptably |
acceptance |
acceptance sampling |
acceptant |
acceptation |
accepted |
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