Synonyms for diagonal
Synonyms of
- (adj) oblique (similar term)
- (adj) aslant, aslope, slanted, slanting, sloped, sloping, inclined (similar term)
- (noun) straight line
- (noun) bias, straight line
- (noun) line, line
- (noun) set
- (noun) solidus, slash, virgule, stroke, separatrix, punctuation, punctuation mark
Coding diagonalThe term diagonal is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence ZGlhZ29uYWw=, while the MD5 signature is equal to a0e17e2709a0404ae3d7de03b8ea9093.
The ASCII encoding of diagonal in hexadecimal notation is 646961676f6e616c.
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Next lemmas:
diagonal matrix |
diagonalisation |
diagonalise |
diagonalizable |
diagonalization |
diagonalize |
diagram |
diagrammaticThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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