Synonyms for habilitate
Synonyms of
- (verb) qualify, dispose
- (verb) dress, clothe, enclothe, garb, raiment, tog, garment, fit out, apparel, change state, turn, undress (antonym)
Coding habilitateThe term habilitate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence aGFiaWxpdGF0ZQ==, while the MD5 signature is equal to 73aea49791434be0169f333a56f3eb65.
The ASCII encoding of habilitate in hexadecimal notation is 686162696c6974617465.
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Next lemmas:
habit |
habit-forming |
habitability |
habitable |
habitableness |
habitant |
habitat |
habitationThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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