Synonyms for condemn
Synonyms of
- (verb) reprobate, decry, objurgate, excoriate, denounce
- (verb) declare
- (verb) compel, oblige, obligate
- (verb) attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence
- (verb) sentence, doom, declare
Coding condemnThe term condemn is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence Y29uZGVtbg==, while the MD5 signature is equal to a9411af0750309faf32527af5651a632.
The ASCII encoding of condemn in hexadecimal notation is 636f6e64656d6e.
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Next lemmas:
condemnable |
condemnation |
condemnatory |
condemned |
condemning |
condensate |
condensation |
condensation pumpThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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