Synonyms for lilliputian
Synonyms of
- (adj) Lilliputian, imaginary place, mythical place, fictitious place (related term)
- (adj) bantam, diminutive, midget, petite, tiny, flyspeck, small (similar term), little (similar term)
- (adj) fiddling, footling, little, niggling, piddling, piffling, petty, picayune, trivial, unimportant (similar term)
- (noun) small person
- (noun) Lilliputian, fictional character, fictitious character, character
Coding lilliputianThe term lilliputian is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence bGlsbGlwdXRpYW4=, while the MD5 signature is equal to 5958cf6b81470106fe0b4e9f394da06e.
The ASCII encoding of lilliputian in hexadecimal notation is 6c696c6c6970757469616e.
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