Synonyms for stick-in-the-mud
Synonyms of
- (adj) fogyish, moss-grown, mossy, stodgy, unfashionable (similar term), unstylish (similar term)
- (noun) plodder, slowpoke, slowcoach, dawdler, drone, laggard, lagger, trailer, poke
Coding stick-in-the-mudThe term stick-in-the-mud is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence c3RpY2staW4tdGhlLW11ZA==, while the MD5 signature is equal to f121d482977e6c76ba58e8ca9046b084.
The ASCII encoding of stick-in-the-mud in hexadecimal notation is 737469636b2d696e2d7468652d6d7564.
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