Synonyms for quicken
Synonyms of
- (verb) accelerate, speed up, speed, intensify, deepen, decelerate (antonym)
- (verb) whet, stimulate, excite, stir
- (verb) invigorate, stimulate, excite
- (verb) move
- (verb) animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, renovate, repair, vivify, revivify, stimulate, arouse, brace, energize, energise, perk up
Coding quickenThe term quicken is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence cXVpY2tlbg==, while the MD5 signature is equal to e84532c218105cb4675b625af206a4bc.
The ASCII encoding of quicken in hexadecimal notation is 717569636b656e.
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quickener |
quickening |
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quicknessThis program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of
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