Synonyms for violate
Synonyms of
- (verb) go against, break, conform to (antonym)
- (verb) transgress, offend, infract, go against, breach, break, disrespect, keep (antonym)
- (verb) touch, disturb
- (verb) desecrate, profane, outrage, assail, assault, set on, attack
- (verb) rape, ravish, assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrage, assail, assault, set on, attack
- (verb) rape, spoil, despoil, plunder, destroy, ruin
Coding violateThe term violate is identified in base64 scheme by the sequence dmlvbGF0ZQ==, while the MD5 signature is equal to e46f985ac312e40d2f4ed21727cf8227.
The ASCII encoding of violate in hexadecimal notation is 76696f6c617465.
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